Review: Private Peaceful

Private Peaceful tells the tale of Tommo, a young First World War solider who is awaiting execution by firing squad. During the night Tommo relives his short life, his childhood in rural Devon, meeting the love of his life Molly, his relationship with elder brother Charlie and an accident that caused the death of his father.
This moving story, written by Michael Morpurgo, has been cleverly adapted and directed into a one-man production by Simon Reade. The simple set of just a metal bed and First World War uniform sets the mood of a man waiting for his death.

Andy Daniel plays the part of Tommo amazingly well, with very believable performance that had the audience gripped from the start. It’s not easy to portray such a moving story as a lone actor on such a sparse stage, however Andy Daniel does this with ease, and got a well deserved standing ovation for his efforts.

You know your on to a winner with a Michael Morpurgo story, his books have held the attention of many a child (and adult), however the very talented Andy Daniel brought this tale to life in the most dramatic and brilliant way.

Private Peaceful will be at the New Wolsey Theatre, Ipswich until Wednesday 1st October. Tickets are limited and can be booked by calling the Box Office on 01473 295900 –

The production returns to Suffolk on Monday 6th October when it will be at the Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds until Saturday 11th, visit for more information.

– Wendy Cook, Ipswich24 –