Eastern Angles: Production is “Inspired”

Eastern Angles latest production has been granted the Inspire mark by the London 2012 Inspire programme.

Based on the story of Margaret Catchpole the exciting theatre production will be performed this summer, June 21st – July 8th to celebrate the company’s 30th Anniversary.

Staged in the atmospheric Hush House venue, an aircraft hangar on the former Bentwaters airbase, the Margaret Catchpole production will be seen by thousands of audience members from across the Eastern region.

The London 2012 Inspire programme recognises innovative and exceptional projects that are directly inspired by the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Margaret Catchpole is famous for her epic, overnight horse ride from Ipswich to London, a feat requiring great stamina and determination. It is this equestrian adventure that chimes so well with the values of the 2012 Games.

With the addition of a cast of local community performers, the Margaret Catchpole production also promotes the positive idea of participation in theatre.

Seb Coe, Chair of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games said: “The Margaret Catchpole show is encouraging community performers to fulfil their potential. I am proud that with the help of partners such as Eastern Angles we are delivering our vision to use the power of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games to boost participation in exciting new theatre projects.”

Ivan Cutting, Eastern Angles Artistic Director said: “The Margaret Catchpole show will be very special for Eastern Angles marking our 30th year of producing theatre for community audiences across the region. Being granted the Inspire Mark by the London 2012 programme is a real honour and a fitting tribute to the real-life character of Margaret Catchpole whose exploits made her such a famous figure of East Anglian folklore”