Ipswich24’s Wendy takes on Marathon Walk
Wendy Cook is normally busy writing articles for Ipswich24 Magazine, but this weekend she will be switching off her laptop to join a team of ladies from Ipswich to walk the Marathon 26.2 miles of the London Moonwalk in aid Walk the Walk Uniting Against Breast Cancer.
Wendy started training in January and to date has clocked up over 200 training miles, around Ipswich. She is one of 12 ladies from Ipswich under the team name of Kay’s Fit Girls (some of whom are pictured above).
All the ladies have been busy decorating their pink bras in readiness for the through the night event. They are due to set-off around 11pm and hope to have all completed by 8am Sunday morning.
• If you would like to sponsor Wendy you can do so by clicking this link https://moonwalklondon2017.everydayhero.com/uk/wendy-26