Review: Bonnie & Clyde
Originally set in the height of the Great Depression, the Eastern Edge Theatre Company have brought the iconic tale of Bonnie and Clyde into the modern era. Incorporating technology and modern dance into the story of robbery and crime, it gives the musical a new and entertaining edge.
Fun, exciting and thrilling, the audience are swept up by the captivating acting of Charlotte Sheehan and Charlie Pittman, as Bonnie and Clyde. They portray the tale of a small town waitress and the small time criminal turned legendary crime duo with criminally resonating voices.
Clyde is in and out of jail, never able to hold down a proper job, and after escaping from his latest prison sentence along with brother Buck (Tom Winder), he meets Bonnie. Buck, returns to his wife, Blanche (Evie White) who implores that he hands himself in to the police in a fun and quirky number. Evie White as Buck’s devoted wife brought tears to my eyes as she struggled to keep her husband on the right path.
Meanwhile, Clyde is eventually caught by the cops and brought back to ‘justice’ once more and sentenced to prison again. You’d say, the rest is history.
Ted’s (Nathan Cant) heartfelt rendition of ‘You Can Do Better Than Him’ featuring an imprisoned Clyde is hauntingly melancholy, and will leave you humming all night. Along with other catchy songs, beautifully performed by the cast.
The cast gave their all, and then some, with energetic dance numbers, fantastically choreographed by Beth Rumbellow, voices that carried the audience away and truly captivating acting. Their hard work and effort paid off.
Bonnie and Clyde sing their hearts out to ‘The World Will Remember Us’, and I definitely will!
• Eastern Edge’s “Bonnie & Clyde” plays at St Peters by the Waterfront, Ipswich until Saturday 15th July
Tickets www.stpetersbythewaterfront.com/bonnie-clyde
— Review: Abi Mayes, Ipswich24 –