Carols by the Waterside
Christmas will nearly be upon us when Woodbridge Rotary Club hold their 69th Open Air Carol on Wednesday 22nd December 2021 at 6.30pm for a prompt start at 6.40pm.
Please note this year it will be held at Whisstocks Place at the bottom of Tide Mill Way.
Father Christmas will be making his usual visit with sweets for all the children, the 5th Woodbridge Sea Scouts will be selling Hot Dogs, Teas, Coffee, Hot Chocolate and Non-Alcoholic Mulled Wine to keep everyone warmed up.
This will be followed by The Spirit of Christmas ‘Son et Lumiere’ a spectacular and magical world of light and sound on the Tide Mill.
This year’s event will lead us into Christmas, something to brighten us all up and bring back the spirit of Christmas. The event will go ahead whatever the weather, please come prepared.
Tide Mill Way will be closed for normal traffic between 6pm and 10pm, access to residents and those wishing to visit the Tide Mill Yacht Harbour will be allowed, as will those who are disabled and attending the event. Please abide by the rail crossing signals, Rotary Marshals will be in attendance to guide you along your way.
As usual, the event is free, there will be a voluntary collection, with proceeds donated to charities supported by Woodbridge Rotary Club.
One of which this year will be the NSPCC, helping support young children in their hour of need, so please come prepared to help others and make a small donation to the many charities which Woodbridge Rotary supports.
Woodbridge Rotary Club would like to acknowledge the support of Woodbridge Town Council and Mortimer’s Estate Agents.