Review: A Murder is Announced

The residents of Little Paddocks are in a spin having read the morning paper and seeing an announcement at the bottom of a page of small ads that a murder is to take place at their home that very evening.   And, it’s not just the household that has seen the advertisement, as the residents of Chipping Cleghorn make their excuses to visit Little Paddocks at the date and time in question.

Gathered in the living room at the allotted time, the lights go out and in the darkness three gun shots are fired… But who is the killer and why?  Enter amateur super sleuth Miss Marple to unravel this complex story and discover the truth about the murder and who is behind the mystery of the crime.

A Murder is Announced has all the twists and turns that you would expect from a tale written by Agatha Christie, just when you think you know who’s done it something happens to throw you off the scent, and throughout the production any one of the characters had motive and could have committed the crime… Thank goodness Miss Marple is there to help the police and work out the mystery.

Sarah Thomas plays a convincing Miss Marple, quietly understated but taking everything in, even the smallest detail, to help solve the crime.   

Barbara Wilshere plays owner of Little Paddocks Letitia Blacklock with ease and is perfectly cast alongside Letitia’s old school friend Dora (Bunny) Bunner played by Karen Drury who also put in a strong performance.

In fact, there was not a weak link in this strong Middle Ground Theatre Company cast but a special mention must go to Lydia Piechowiak as maid Mitzi, never dropping her accent as a Mitteleuropa refugee and adding much humour to the production.

It’s hard to review a murder mystery without giving too much away, but it’s safe to say that this production of Agatha Christie’s A Murder is Announced is first class with plot twists a-plenty and will keep you guessing right up to the final scenes – all I will say is that nobody is quite who they appear to be….

A Murder is Announced will be at the New Wolsey Theatre until 30th April to book tickets visit and then continuing it’s national tour

Review: Wendy Cook, Ipswich24 Magazine