What’s On – May

May 2024

Wed 1st May

Ipswich RSPB Local Group Field Meeting at Kiln Meadow and Spring Wood for Nightingales and other spring birds. Meet at 6.30pm at Marbled White Drive. 2 hrs, 2-3 miles. Contact 01473 258791. No charge. All welcome.

Sat 4th May

Craft Market, Rushmere Village Hall, Humber Doucy Lane, 9am-noon, free entry 

Sun 5th May

Stonham Motorcycles Show, Stonham Barns Park, Pettaugh Road, Stonham Aspal, IP14 6AT. More info go to  www.stonhambarns.co.uk or call 01449 711111

Mon 6th May

Ipswich RSPB Local Group Field Meeting at Groton Wood SWT Reserve for spring birds and other wildlife. Meet at 9am at reserve car park. 2-3 hours, 2-3 miles. Tel: 07887 770942. No charge. All welcome.

Wed 8th May

Talk: Humour in Genealogy with Chris Broom, Felixstowe Family History Soc., Broadway House, Orwell Rd, Felixstowe 7pm

Sat 11th-Sun 12th May

Weird and Wonderful Wood,  Haughley Park, Wetherden, Stowmarket, Tickets on the gate, or watch the Facebook page, advance tickets available online www.weirdandwonderfulwood.co.uk/tickets

Sat 11th May

Darts Referee Open, Stonham Barns Park, Pettaugh Road, Stonham Aspal, IP14 6AT. More info go to  www.stonhambarns.co.uk or call 01449 711111

Sun 12th May

Spring Break Car Show, Stonham Barns Park, Pettaugh Road, Stonham Aspal, IP14 6AT. More info go to  www.stonhambarns.co.uk or call 01449 711111

Steam Railway Day, + 40 vintage and rare motors on show, Mid-Suffolk Light Railway, Brockford Station, Wetheringsett www.mslr.org.uk

Christchurch Park Market free market with lots of stalls, 9.30am-3pm, Christchurch Park, Ipswich

The Great British Dog Walk, fun-filled sponsored walk atIckworth Park, Horringer, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP29 5QE, www.hearingdogs.org.uk/support/events/gbdw-2024-ickworth-park/.

Tues 14th May

Talk: Christine Lavelle – A Plant journey through Southern Africa. Felixstowe Garden Club, 7-9pm.  Old Felixstowe Community Centre, Ferry Road, Felixstowe – Call Jayne Steele 01394 211739 


Sat 18th-Sun 19th May

Steam & vintage Show, Stonham Barns Park, Pettaugh Road, Stonham Aspal, IP14 6AT. More info go to  www.stonhambarns.co.uk or call 01449 711111

Sat 18th May

Hadleigh Show, Holbecks Park, Hadleigh, www.hadleighshow.co.uk

Sat 25th May

Buzzing bee fun day, 12-4pm, Westerfield Village Hall & Paddock. Beekeeper with observational bee hive, Suffolk wildlife Trust, Westrefelda Morris, refreshments, ice cream, plant stall, books, cakes, games, raffle,  toys & white elephant. Adults £1, children free

Big Night Out, Stonham Barns Park, Pettaugh Road, Stonham Aspal, IP14 6AT. More info go to  www.stonhambarns.co.uk or call 01449 711111

Sun 26-Mon 27th May 

Middy in the 1940s, Mid-Suffolk Light Railway, Brockford Station, Wetheringsett www.mslr.org.uk

Sun 26th May

Christchurch Park Market free market with lots of stalls, 9.30am-3pm, Christchurch Park, Ipswich.

Tues 28th May

Ipswich RSPB Local Group Midweek Walk round Rushmere Common Ipswich. Meet at 10.30am at Heath Road entrance.   Tel 01473 258791. No charge. All welcome.

Wed 29th-Thur 30th May

Suffolk Show, Trinity Park, Ipswich – www.suffolkshow.co.uk