Play areas and skateparks will start re-opening from tomorrow

Preparation work is underway as East Suffolk Council starts the process of re-opening play areas and skateparks following further easing of lockdown restrictions.

Following the latest announcement from the Government, East Suffolk Council and East Suffolk Norse are busy preparing for play areas and skateparks to start re-opening from tomorrow, Saturday 4 July.

This includes inspecting all sites to ensure they are safe and clear to re-open and installing new signage to highlight the guidelines which must be followed by user. All sites will be re-opened once this is completed.

Cllr Letitia Smith, Cabinet Member for Communities, Leisure and Tourism, is encouraging families, children, and young people to enjoy the sites safely by continuing to follow the official guidelines.

She said: “We know that many families, children and young people have missed the play areas and skateparks, and we are excited that these can once again be enjoyed by the very people they were built for. However, it remains of uttermost importance that we all continue to play our part in controlling the virus.

“Therefore, I would like to remind everyone, young and old, to continue to follow the Government’s guidelines and any additional guidelines displayed when using our outdoor spaces. If a site is busy and it is not possible to practice social distancing, please consider coming back at another time when it is less busy. Also remember to bring hand sanitiser and use this frequently, and, as a minimum, before and after using any equipment.

“I know it can be hard to explain, especially to young children, but if you are a parent or a guardian of a child or young person, please make sure you have a chat with them about not congregating in groups or using busy sites, being patient and waiting their turns and continuing to follow the guidelines.”