Pet Pageant
St Elizabeth Hospice is calling on pet owners to share photos of their much-loved companions for the charity’s first ever, fundraising pet pageant.
Lanuched on 1st July, pet owners from across Ipswich and Suffolk are encouraged to enter photos of their dapper dogs, cute cats and more exotic furry and scaly friends into the virtual competition to help support St Elizabeth Hospice during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“As an independent charity we rely on the generosity of the community and our fundraising events to ensure we can provide our much needed service and care provision to patients and their families,” said Joanne Rodger, Events and Challenges Manager at St Elizabeth Hospice.
“The coronavirus lockdown has restricted our ability to hold a regular schedule of popular events so we decided a virtual pet pageant would be the ideal way to raise funds whilst observing government COVID-19 guidelines, as well as enjoying the array of cute entries!”
The pet pageant will feature a number of categories, including Best Smile, Best in Show, Golden Oldie and Extraordinary Exotics, meaning there are plenty of opportunities for pet owners to showcase their cute companion.
All winners will receive a £10 voucher for Jollyes – The Pet Superstore, as well as a Morrisons’ hamper for the winner of the all-important Best in Show award.
A panel of judges, featuring representatives from Christchurch Veterinary Surgery, Jollyes – The Pet Superstore and Morrisons will be tasked with judging the worthy winners who will be announced on 8th August.
All funds raised by the £2 entry fees will go towards St Elizabeth Hospice’s #HereTogether campaign, an appeal launched by the hospice to counteract the financial impact of Coronavirus on the charity.
Entry to St Elizabeth Hospice’s Pet Pageant can be made at www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/st-elizabeth-hospice-pet-pageant-registration-109637637124.