Flying extended at Owl Sanctuary
Over the past couple of months, Suffolk Owl Sanctuary has been welcoming visitors back to the centre to enjoy over 80 owls and other birds of prey, many of them flying free…and very close!
In previous years of “normality”, the flying season would have finished at the end of September to enable the participant birds to rest up and moult in the aviaries over the autumn and winter months. This year, however, due to the shortened summer season and the necessity to limit visitor numbers entering the sanctuary due to coronavirus, the flying schedule has been extended. Two daily displays, at 11.30am and 1.30pm will now continue until the end of October.
As admissions will still be restricted in number due to the continuing need for social distancing and to maintain a safe and robust bio-secure environment, advanced booking online remains essential.
After October, the sanctuary will continue to offer one flying session with full commentary at 1.30pm each day, throughout the winter months.
The falconry team will also be busy exercising a variety of the resident birds of prey between 3pm and 4pm daily and visitors are welcome to watch them training and interacting with their charges.
Within the centre’s two-acre site the red squirrels, meerkat mob and silver foxes can all still be enjoyed and the new S.O.S. 2 compound, complementary to the main site, offers additional picnic and strolling space surrounded by the magnificent native bird community which includes barn, tawny, little and long eared owls as well as the majestic golden eagles, Skye and Finn.
Meerkat feeding sessions continue to take place at 10.45am and 2.15pm daily.
The shy red squirrel colony and cheeky meerkat mob are located at either end of the pretty Woodland Walk in which ladybird houses, a bug hotel, a hedgehog teepee and established wildlife pond can also be found.
Sapphire and Diamond, the young silver foxes are now comfortably established in their species specific enclosure within the S.O.S. 2 compound. The whole site features level tarmac paths for ease of use for wheelchairs and buggies and wheelchair friendly picnic tables are also available.
The children’s play area has now re-opened, with clear instruction boards enabling all families to enjoy the inclusive equipment in a safe and secure environment. The custom built double width slide, wheelchair accessible roundabout and giant family swing are cleaned thoroughly throughout the day, as are all barriers, signage, seating and other touch points within the sanctuary.
Although the unique owlie gift shop is not currently in evidence, a small, select variety of gifts are available directly from stock on request in the reception area.
Sanctuary staff will take the temperature of all visitors on admission to the centre and are always on hand to assist with any bio-security and mobility questions which may arise.
To book tickets in advance, please go to www.owl-help.org.uk