A touch of Strictly

Dance Classes for adults are to begin at local charity Inspire Suffolk thanks to support from Independent Financial Advisors Carter Dawes.

The local Independent Financial Advisors, are kindly sponsoring Cowlings Dance Academy to run dance lessons at Inspire Suffolk on Friday evenings from 7pm until 7.45pm. The support has been offered as a result of their Director Peter Dawes learning to dance himself as part of the charity’s Strictly fundraiser.

inspire_danceInspire Suffolk appealed for volunteers to learn to dance over eight weeks with a dance-off grand finale held last month as part of their annual Strictly Charity event. Peter has enjoyed, not only learning to dance, but also being involved with the local, independent charity who work with young people inspiring, motivating and educating them onto brighter futures.

Amanda Haynes Operations Director for Inspire Suffolk explained, “We are continually looking at more ways to engage with local people, and we were aware that for many they did not have access to affordable dance lessons. With the support from Carter Dawes and Cowlings Dance Academy we intend to run these classes for adults every Friday evening.

Peter added, “I enjoyed learning to dance Strictly-style so much and I’ve made new friends. I felt that something like this should be available for the local people of Ipswich. By enabling Inspire Suffolk and Cowlings Dance Academy to work together it seemed the perfect solution to bring dance lessons to the local area. Hopefully everyone will get just as much enjoyment out of it as I have.”

• For more information contact Dance Teacher Gemma Cowling by emailing cowlingsdanceacademy@hotmail.co.uk