Tide Mill reopens
Woodbridge Tide Mill Museum is re-opening on Saturday and Sunday 4 – 5 July. After that weekend it will be open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. The Mill has acquired the Industry Standard ‘Good To Go’ mark which means that it has followed government and industry COVID-19 guidelines, has a Risk Assessment in place and a process to maintain cleanliness and aid social distancing.
The Mill, which relies on visitors’ entrance fees and purchases to survive has, like many, been severely hit by lockdown. It has, however, not been sitting idle.
The Mill restarted milling from the middle of May. A great deal of effort was spent making sure the processes were fully compliant with all the guidance associated with working whilst the pandemic exists. A small team of younger volunteers led by Mill Manager Dan Tarrant- Willis and Ian Gray has done a great job. Over two tonnes of grain has been milled and the resulting flour distributed to the Mill’s customers.
A major external redecoration of the Tide Mill also commenced in mid-May and is now complete.
A lot of work has been done to ensure visitors and staff are safe when the Mill re-opens. Visitor numbers will be limited to pre-booked time-slots which can be purchased via www.woodbridgetidemill.org or directly from www.ticketgun.com/events/woodbridge-tide-mill-re-opening. The Mill has produced a revised Visitors Guide which is on the website or here https://tinyurl.com/millopen